P3 Market Sounding

Calling All Colleges and Universities:
Join Our New P3 Market Sounding Tailgate Event on October 7

Are you planning campus improvements or releasing an RFP in the next year? Whether it’s modernizing facilities, reducing your carbon footprint, developing campus edges, or building state-of-the-art stadiums or research facilities, this event is for you.

There is no cost to participate in the Tailgate for registered attendees, but pre-registration is required to secure your space. 

Event Details:
Date: October 7, during the evening reception at the 2024 P3 Higher Education Summit.
Format: Each participating university or college will be assigned a table to decorate with your colors, logos, and signage.
Activities: Share your most pressing campus needs and ideas with private sector experts and peers. Connect with a network of seasoned professionals and receive preliminary feedback and guidance on your current and future projects. 

Secure Your Spot Today

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